This led us to our first experiment: Equipped with some old Banksy stencils and rusty spray paint cans, we started spraying. Once we found a spray paint that doesn't come off in the wash, we began selling our graffi-T shirts to friends who liked the idea and with people wearing our own vandalism, the official Vandalwear journey began!
Sotogrande Season 2022:
Once we realised people could wear their own work of art, we decided to make our own stencils and release designs inspired by our area in southern Spain. After creating various summery deigns, we hand-cut them into stencils using a crafting knife and sheets of cork and began spraying under the sun! Check out our instagram to see the SS22 collection in action.Turtle Collection:
Now, out of our student rooms in England, we are releasing a collection of printed designs all either drawn or designed by us digitally, and inspired by Salvador Dali's surrealism. With original hoodies, jumpers and T-shirts now available, follow your creativity and join the Vandalwear journey!You see a blank T-shirt,
We see a blank canvas...